Class OpenGLPlatformInfo
Encapsulates various pieces of OpenGL context, necessary for creating a GraphicsDevice using the OpenGL API.
Inherited Members
Namespace: Veldrid.OpenGL
Assembly: cs.temp.dll.dll
public class OpenGLPlatformInfo
OpenGLPlatformInfo(IntPtr, Func<String, IntPtr>, Action<IntPtr>, Func<IntPtr>, Action, Action<IntPtr>, Action, Action<Boolean>)
Constructs a new OpenGLPlatformInfo.
public OpenGLPlatformInfo(IntPtr openGLContextHandle, Func<string, IntPtr> getProcAddress, Action<IntPtr> makeCurrent, Func<IntPtr> getCurrentContext, Action clearCurrentContext, Action<IntPtr> deleteContext, Action swapBuffers, Action<bool> setSyncToVerticalBlank)
Type | Name | Description |
System.IntPtr | openGLContextHandle | The OpenGL context handle. |
System.Func<System.String, System.IntPtr> | getProcAddress | A delegate which can be used to retrieve OpenGL function pointers by name. |
System.Action<System.IntPtr> | makeCurrent | A delegate which can be used to make the given OpenGL context current on the calling thread. |
System.Func<System.IntPtr> | getCurrentContext | A delegate which can be used to retrieve the calling thread's active OpenGL context. |
System.Action | clearCurrentContext | A delegate which can be used to clear the calling thread's GL context. |
System.Action<System.IntPtr> | deleteContext | A delegate which can be used to delete the given context. |
System.Action | swapBuffers | A delegate which can be used to swap the main back buffer associated with the OpenGL context. |
System.Action<System.Boolean> | setSyncToVerticalBlank | A delegate which can be used to set the synchronization behavior of the OpenGL context. |
OpenGLPlatformInfo(IntPtr, Func<String, IntPtr>, Action<IntPtr>, Func<IntPtr>, Action, Action<IntPtr>, Action, Action<Boolean>, Action, Action<UInt32, UInt32>)
Constructs a new OpenGLPlatformInfo.
public OpenGLPlatformInfo(IntPtr openGLContextHandle, Func<string, IntPtr> getProcAddress, Action<IntPtr> makeCurrent, Func<IntPtr> getCurrentContext, Action clearCurrentContext, Action<IntPtr> deleteContext, Action swapBuffers, Action<bool> setSyncToVerticalBlank, Action setSwapchainFramebuffer, Action<uint, uint> resizeSwapchain)
Type | Name | Description |
System.IntPtr | openGLContextHandle | The OpenGL context handle. |
System.Func<System.String, System.IntPtr> | getProcAddress | A delegate which can be used to retrieve OpenGL function pointers by name. |
System.Action<System.IntPtr> | makeCurrent | A delegate which can be used to make the given OpenGL context current on the calling thread. |
System.Func<System.IntPtr> | getCurrentContext | A delegate which can be used to retrieve the calling thread's active OpenGL context. |
System.Action | clearCurrentContext | A delegate which can be used to clear the calling thread's GL context. |
System.Action<System.IntPtr> | deleteContext | A delegate which can be used to delete the given context. |
System.Action | swapBuffers | A delegate which can be used to swap the main back buffer associated with the OpenGL context. |
System.Action<System.Boolean> | setSyncToVerticalBlank | A delegate which can be used to set the synchronization behavior of the OpenGL context. |
System.Action | setSwapchainFramebuffer | A delegate which can be used to set the framebuffer used to render to the application Swapchain. |
System.Action<System.UInt32, System.UInt32> | resizeSwapchain | A delegate which is invoked when the main Swapchain is resized. This may be null, in which case no special action is taken when the Swapchain is resized. |
A delegate which can be used to clear the calling thread's GL context.
public Action ClearCurrentContext { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Action |
A delegate which can be used to delete the given context.
public Action<IntPtr> DeleteContext { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Action<System.IntPtr> |
A delegate which can be used to retrieve the calling thread's active OpenGL context.
public Func<IntPtr> GetCurrentContext { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Func<System.IntPtr> |
A delegate which can be used to retrieve OpenGL function pointers by name.
public Func<string, IntPtr> GetProcAddress { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Func<System.String, System.IntPtr> |
A delegate which can be used to make the given OpenGL context current on the calling thread.
public Action<IntPtr> MakeCurrent { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Action<System.IntPtr> |
The OpenGL context handle.
public IntPtr OpenGLContextHandle { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.IntPtr |
A delegate which is invoked when the main Swapchain is resized. This may be null, in which case no special action is taken when the Swapchain is resized.
public Action<uint, uint> ResizeSwapchain { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Action<System.UInt32, System.UInt32> |
A delegate which can be used to set the framebuffer used to render to the application Swapchain. If this is null, the default FBO (0) will be bound.
public Action SetSwapchainFramebuffer { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Action |
A delegate which can be used to set the synchronization behavior of the OpenGL context.
public Action<bool> SetSyncToVerticalBlank { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Action<System.Boolean> |
A delegate which can be used to swap the main back buffer associated with the OpenGL context.
public Action SwapBuffers { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Action |